Want to generate massive growth in your business? You’d better dial in your strategy and vision. As an epic entrepreneur and marketing expert who finds himself influencing influencers, Los Silva, shares how he continues to rack up success (hint: he only works with people who are serious about what they’re doing and want to get to the next level of business). In this episode, you’ll hear why marketing agencies will always fail you, how to make a REAL business with a REAL team with REAL overhead, and discover how to use vision and strategy to cultivate momentum in your growth. “I want to build something with people who are willing to suffer and are willing to share the great times.” -Los Silva Vince Del Monte’s 7-Figure Mastermind Give Me 2 Days And I’ll Show You How To Build A 5-, 6-, and Even 7-Figure Online Fitness Business – Even If You’re Starting From Scratch Subscribe to iTunes, TuneIn, or Stitcher Radio! Enjoying the podcast? Leave a review on iTunes! What do you want to hear from the Vince Delmonte Podcast Show? Tell us here Timestamps: 5:37 – Avoid losing millions of dollars in bad business partnerships by learning how to produce out of nothing 22:25 – Let your marketing turn your business into a multimillion worldwide company by changing your mindset and skills in these 4 ways 30:59 – The #1 way events kill your business momentum and the 2 questions to ask yourself to see if you’re a REAL business 39:20 – How to create successful funnels with excellent conversions so you can stop searching for the right clients and start expanding your brand 44:15 – Global recognition may seem like the ultimate goal, but Los shares why a more focused vision will help you to bring in massive overhead 59:33 – Drive your income to insane levels by adding one word to your definition of sales 1:14:27 – If your Facebook ads aren’t providing customer intake, then Los has 2 tips for you to master branding and professional ads 1:20:00 – Want to know how to make it through the difficult days? 2 disciplines that keep Los and his team focused, lean, and determined Resources: Ryan Deiss Sandler Sales Books The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies by Chet Holmes Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t by Simon Sinek Lexicon App Connect with Los: Instagram YouTube The Influence Engine ShadowMyTeam.com LosSilva.com Connect with Vince: Facebook Instagram YouTube Email VinceDelMonteFitness.com