Normally I do 40 lessons in the areas of muscle, mindset, money, mission and marriage but this year took a different turn.
In no particular order…
- 1. If you are not practicing what you’re preaching publicly, you will pay privately.
- 2. My separation has, by far, been the most gut wrenching, darkest, loneliness, confusing and saddest roads I could have ever imagined. I never knew a heart could hurt so much.
- 3. The furthest and most painful journey I’ve ever taken is learning to travel the 18 inches from my head to heart and begin living there.
- 4. A huge part of my worldly success has been from trauma that led to building a life around external validation and pursuing power, pleasure, fame and fortune and now it’s going to take years to rebuild my life from a sustainable fuel source.
- 5. Authenticity, vulnerability and transparency is the most powerful path towards maximizing retention and creating community.
- 6. Learning paid ads (for first time in 17 years of business) and making one funnel convert has been the best use of my business focus all year.
- 7. Nothing else truly matters in life other than investing into the lives of your children.
- 8. God truly does love me and is faithful. I’ve heard this my entire life. This past year I have experienced Gods love, peace, grace and strength in ways I can’t describe.
- 9. Journaling and reading the Bible almost every day this year helped me hear Gods voice (literally) many many times.
- 10. Building a team of strong people is the most important thing to having a profitable, peaceful and predictable business.
- 11. Coming off chemicals such as TRT, alcohol and caffeine (still struggling to cut out sugar) played a huge role in living from a place of neutral, authentic energy and living in truth.
- 12. Calm is contagious. You can’t scale your business from a foundation of chaos, stress or anxiety. This was our company mantra and it served us!
- 13. Better business, not bigger business. I worshiped The Satanic Cult of Scaling so long I didn’t realize that more money only led to making it harder to wake up and live with my heart cracked open.
- 14. Moms! You’re the true heroes. I had zero clue how hard it was to parent alone. Dishes, cooking, baths, combing hair, buying clothes, driving and picking kids to school, laundry, cleaning, sick kids, constant fatigue, kids activities… and oh yeah, actually trying to raise and develop them!
- 15. Removing angry and arrogant influencers (I used to follow) who are building one dimensional success was the best thing for my mental well being.
- 16. Don’t react. Ever. Breath. Wait. Process. It’s 100% unacceptable for a man to ever react or get angry under any circumstance. A real man should never raise his voice if he strives to achieve the highest level of self mastery. (Aside from defending the innocent).
- 17. Your brain is the most important organ to protect and develop. Interestingly, we get ZERO training in school on how to do this. A big part of this was starting to live a chemical free life and prioritizing sleep.
- 18. Pray for Gods agenda, not yours. I heard God say to me, “Do you mind if I do some work? You seem to be struggling on your own.” Start living with open hands and leaving room for mystery, magic and miracles.
- 19. Crying is ice melting. I cried more this year to fill up a small lake and have never felt more emotionally connected to God, myself and others.
- 20. 99% of the “leaders” I looked up to are asleep and appear “successful” because of dysfunctional survival mechanisms. I do not judge. This was me too. I’m just awake now. Question everything. Let Gods voice guide you, not man’s.
Which one did you resonate with?? Let me know below! 👇👇👇
❤️❤️❤️Much love.